If you are thinking about investing in Soviet Gold, stop! Stop thinking and invest! Why? Read on…
We detected one of the first trends of the Soviet Jewelry Market. Prices on Soviet Earrings, especially with diamonds [natural and synthetic] are skyrocketing! We also noticed a trend within our reporting. Lately, almost in very report, we are saying that we predicted this, we expected that, we said that would happen, etc. There is little we can do about that because big changes are really happening to the Soviet Jewelry Market. It’s that time of the year so to speak. That makes us exited because we were the first to say that one day people will see average Soviet Gold Jewelry with price tags of two, three five and ten thousand dollars. When we said that, no one believed us! Now that this has actually happened all we get are questions about what will happen next. Here’s our answer - this is just the start, you can expect that average Soviet Gold Jewelry items will break $5,000 thousand dollar benchmark in the near future. What do we mean by that? We are not saying that some unique Soviet Gold Jewelry items will break that barrier, that’s old news, we are saying that about 30-50% of the entire market will go there very soon, possibly in the next two years or earlier. How do we know this? Primarily because we are working day and night to make Soviet Gold and Silver Jewelry the hottest commodity and the most appealing collectible in the entire art market. We are also promoting, like no one else, Soviet Gold and Silver as an investment. This means sooner or later a massive crowd of medium-capital investors who are dissatisfied with their current portfolios [and there are a few of them] will enter the Soviet Jewelry market. In fact that is already starting to happen. This is why we are not afraid to put our reputation on the line and predict that soon you will see high-end Soviet Gold Jewelry items selling not just for $10,000 but for $20,000 and even $200,000 US. And by the way if you follow us then you know that this has happened already [read our report “SOVIET GOLD NECKLACE FOR $22,000 US” published on 04/02/2013]. We see things that most people do not and we are sharing these insider secrets with the world. We also know that at the moment only a handful of people are acting on our predictions. That’s fine, since it is them [and us] who will make the most profits. Finally, watch or better yet buy Soviet Silver, it is “dirt-cheap” for now but that will not last long. Major trends are being detected in this sub-market.
Disclaimer: We have no vested financial interests in these sales. All statements in this report are an opinion. Act at your own risk.
Report by
Soviet Jewelry News