Are you good at networking? Do you have a big circle of contacts? Then we might be able to help each other!
We have a VIP service for high-end investors that are looking or would be interested to buy large amounts of Soviet Gold. On a commission basis we provide professional acquisition, management and consultation services to do just that. Our top service is:
The selection and purchase of most valuable Soviet Gold Jewelry items on investor’s behalf. We use our extensive knowledge of Soviet Jewelry market to locate and acquire the best pieces available. Pieces that are not only most beautiful but also most profitable. Before purchasing we identify, authenticate and evaluate each Soviet Gold items. We always take into account the over all equilibrium of the collection [investment], making sure it is well balanced, thematic and thus most valuable. By choosing us, investors will gain a valuable, well documented, well put together and most important of all authentic Soviet Jewelry collection for the best price!
If you can bring us clients that are interested in any of our services we will pay you a finder’s fee. Essentially you become our Agent – and very similar to a real estate agent you get paid from each transaction.
If you happen to know or can find such investors we will pay you 20% of our commission from all successively completed transactions with your investor.
If interested, contact us directly for further details.
All the Best!
Soviet Jewelry News