The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, commonly referred to as Soviet Russia, the Russian Federation, or simply Russia, was a sovereign state and the largest, most populous, and most economically developed republic of the Soviet Union. - Wikipedia
Finally, once more, we wish to stress the fact that gold and silver are excellent investments by themselves. That's why we encourage everyone to learn more about these valuable metals. Invest in gold and silver regardless whether it's Soviet or not. If the price is right buy precious metals in bullion form, as modern coins, antiques or vintage collectibles - but make sure you buy them.
During these uncertain economic times where currencies are manipulated and can depreciate very quickly, owning gold and silver can be the only insurance one has against poverty. This trend was proven during 2008-2011 Global Financial Crisis; it was just recently proven in Greece and Spain, and if that isn't enough, yet again, it has being proven in Ukraine right now. People are selling their gold and silver so survive. Take a note and invest....
Disclaimer: All statements in this report are an opinion. Act at your own risk.
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Soviet Jewelry News