“For him [Czeslaw Znamierowski] there were no boundaries between nationalities. He readily made friends with the natives of any country…. He was no stranger to Latvians, Lithuanians, Jews, Tatars, Karaites, Russians. He was ready to help everyone if possible.” - Wikipedia
Although Znamierowski was a believer and advocate for socialism, as many were at that time, he was also a very kind, accepting and happy person who never forced his ideas onto others. That can be seen in his artworks and the manner in which he created them. An overwhelming majority of his paintings is dedicated, not to communism, but to nature while his style and colours are soft, gentle and flowing. When he did paint images of Socialist realism they were always associated with nature, progress and collaboration. Never with war, aggression or conflict, something that Znamierowski knew well, living through, and almost being killed during the October revolution of 1917, and then surviving the horror, as well as the aftermath of WWII.
As difficult as his life was, people who knew Czeslaw always said he was an optimistic, happy-going individual all his life, even in his old age. Outside of art he loved gardening and pigeons. In fact his garden was one of the major attractions of Vilnius city and drew numerous tourists each year. It was that beautiful and unique.
Over his lifetime Znamierowski created about 3000 works of art, many of which were paintings that are in state museums across the globe. A lot of his art is in private collections as well as art funds, and, as it happens with many artists from the past, some of Znamierowski’s artworks are simply lost. His largest painting Panorama of Vilnius City has disappeared without a trace after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Hopefully it will be found one day. Fortunately his second largest artwork The Green Lake has been located, restored and preserved by the Tamoikin Art Fund, which is now graciously displaying it for the world to see. This fund has started a non-profit art project to locate, research and present to the world Czeslaw Znamierowski’s artworks, historic records and other significant information about him. A great deal has already been uncovered but even more is still ahead. To contribute or learn about this project visit:
By Gabriel Ornstein (M.F.A.)
Art researcher and historian
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Report by Soviet Jewelry News